Halff performed an environmental impact study, survey, development of construction drawings and specifications, and assistance during the project bid phase of The South Belton Phase 1 wastewater project. Halff was able to design around multiple potential utility conflicts by using subsurface utility engineering to identify existing utilities along the route.
South Belton was the initial project to open up service to the City’s southern portion of their Certificate of Convenience & Necessity (CCN). The project included installation of new sanitary sewer features for both small-diameter (3,900 linear feet of 8-inch) and large-diameter (7,600 linear feet of 15-inch through 24-inch) gravity sewers. The proposed transmission main was split between the TxDOT Loop 121 Right of Way and City easement.
Halff worked directly with the City and existing property owners on the donation of easements for the transmission main. This project included survey, an environmental impact study, easement acquisition, geotechnical borings, and electrical and structural design for the new lift station. Additional services on the project included TxDOT permitting, TCEQ permitting, development of traffic control plans, bid phase and construction phase coordination.
Construction was completed with the allocated duration and without any complaints from citizens or City Management. Halff’s construction phase services for the project included legal easements and construction staking which were all completed within the estimated cost plus fee, resulting in a full City cost savings for the overall project.